I believe in gun rights. I believe that we have a lot of existing laws that we don't enforce. David Gregory breaking the law in Washington D.C. by possessing a magazine which is illegal there would be an excellent example. Captain Kelly's apparent straw-man purchase of an AR-15 (to give to the local Sheriff's Department) might well be another, as it's against federal law to purchase a firearm for someone else.
As a gun owner, I have greater responsibilities than others. I take those responsibilities seriously. I have spent thousands of dollars for safe storage of firearms and for past and ongoing training.
Most gun owners (literally over 99%) are like me: careful, responsible, and serious about their responsibilities. It's insulting to tell us that we shouldn't be able to buy or carry because of the actions of a tiny irresponsible minority (many of whom are guilty of criminal offenses). We don't deny people the privilege of driving whatever car they want because or of using otherwise legal intoxicants because some people drive impaired -- we address the issue of irresponsible drinking and drug use and reduce the magnitude of the problem where it exists instead of where it doesn't.
Additional impediments to the right of firearm ownership and carry, like more extensive background checks, waiting periods, limits to magazine size, registering ammunition purchases, maintaining databases of firearm ownership, creating more gun free zones, and the like will effect orders of magnitude more responsible firearm owners than irresponsible ones. That's not how we do things in a civilized country like America. We don't punish those who haven't done anything wrong because of those who have done wrong.