Since I've been back to Windows programming instead of cross-platform work, and since I'm working on a game instead of rearranging text in Acrobat, I've been scouting the web for good stuff to help me work better.
MSVC has had remote debugging capabilities for a long time (since version 2.0?). This step-by-step setup document is the best getting started I've ever seen for the feature.
I think it took me longer to find the document (I started looking in MSDN for directions on using remote debugging, which was my first mistake) via Google than it did to actually make it work. I copied three files from here and there into the /winnt directory on the desktop server machine, rebooted it, created a new target on the laptop development machine (since I don't want to debug over the network all the time), did a rebuild, copied a tree from laptop to desktop, and I was debugging across the network.